Do you struggle with making self care apart of your everyday?
You understand the importance of maintainig a routine that feeds your emotional and mental health but you cant seem you put it into practice?
Maybe you don’t prioritize for other reasons, such as the fact that you can’t see how self care will really help you grow in life.
Are you guilty of choosing the hustle over taking a moment to pause?
I have definitely caught myself feeling this way, not prioritizing self care because I was too busy and even not seeing it as a valuable practice.
I already know you understand the importance of self care.
You value yourself, your health and wellbeing.
But sometimes you can’t help but let your practice move to the back burner for awhile; I’m guilty of this too.
This is why I came up with a The 5 day Self Care Challenge.
This challenge is meant to help you bring back a self care routine when life gets the best of us. It's meant to show you that even amidst the chaos, you still can find a slice of peaec and calm.
If you would like to join, click here:
Looking forward to helping you take better care of you!